Where Do We Go From Here?
Today fears around the future are paralysing us… However the tension the whole world is experiencing holds within it the promise of the Birth of a New Consciousness. Humanity is now facing the challenge of making this transition, firstly as individuals, then through ever-broadening collectives until, with the exponential power of critical mass, a quantum leap into a new reality occurs…
The overarching intention behind my work ‘Where Do We Go From Here?’ is to re-position, not only our present-day global events, but also our individual circumstances, within the optimistic framework of our metamorphosis.

Under the main title ‘Where Do We Go From Here?’ I have chosen to frame our evolutionary journey’s past, present and future perspectives within five separate works:
In ‘Book 1. An Interconnected Existence’ we become conscious of the sacred unity within diversity (the past misunderstanding of which has, out of man’s earlier ignorance, divided brother against brother). AVAILABLE NOW (see below).
In ‘Book 2. The Descent into Matter’ we explore the Age of Density where we consider the perfect ordering of the Past.
In ‘Book 3. The Bridge of Time’ we consider the Age of Adaptation from the perspective of the psychology of consciousness within the Past/Present.
In ‘Book 4. The Ascent of Man’ we open our minds to the promise of the Age of Transparency where the wings of hope lie in the Present/Future.
In ‘Book 5. A Brand New Day’ we reflect on The Age of Illumination as we begin to envision the sacred potential, for thousands of generations to come, of the Future.
What people are saying about
‘Book 1. An Interconnected Existence’…
I have my Thesaurus to hand in order to find the one word to describe your work but I am unable to, so here are a few with EXCEPTIONALLY as the leader: … well-crafted, moving, meaningful, thought-provoking, aspirational. Keep writing!!
I read Toni Murray’s book slowly at a single sitting… she has a wonderful writing style that made me want to turn the pages… This book is a serious endeavour to place modern humanity in a social, psychological, philosophical and metaphysical context on a living planet within a vast cosmos.
‘Where Do We Go From Here?’ is not meant to be a flowing narrative whose sentences, when read from beginning to end in a week of evenings, will have imparted a new vision.
Although each of the five parts within it is certainly best read sequentially at first, the patient and gentle approach of ‘reading a little at a time’ will allow the layering within its concepts to be absorbed more intuitively.
If an open-minded reader is willing to travel backwards and forwards in time with me through the exploration of various levels of existence, the glimpse of an exquisite ordering evident in all things may reveal that as beloved participants in the Eternal Plan, we are not victims of an arbitrary fate.
Rather, as noble and trusted builders of the future, together, we have had placed within our own hands the sacred reigns of destiny.
With the unfolding of the evolutionary process, humanity is presently facing the challenge of making the transition from evolving unconsciously to becoming the conscious creators of the future; firstly, as individuals, then through ever-broadening collectives till, with the exponential power of critical mass, a quantum leap into a new reality occurs.
When what is emerging on a world-wide stage, is understood from this perspective, fears can be dispelled and we can re-establish the hope of purposeful accomplishment.
The purpose of my book is to make sense of present-day events, by demonstrating where we have come from, where we are now, and how, through recognition of the immutable and perpetuating laws of a trustworthy evolutionary process, we can become empowered visionaries instead of impotent observers and lift humanity into a higher expression…
More kind words about ‘Book 1. An Interconnected Existence’…
The energy feels so beautiful I sat and kept reading until I had read the whole book, knowing that when I had finished it, I would have to go back and study it further.
I love the language Toni uses and her longer sentences hold the energy of a classical symphony.
Book 1 of Where Do We Go From Here?
Today’s fears around the future are paralysing us…
However, the tension the whole world is experiencing holds within it the promise of the Birth of a New Consciousness.
Humanity is now facing the challenge of making this transition, firstly as individuals, then through ever-broadening collectives until, with the exponential power of critical mass, a quantum leap into a new reality occurs.
Each and every one of us on Earth today, both singly and collectively, has been entrusted with the task of participating in the co-creation of a Divine Masterpiece ~ the Future…
In our hand ~ the artist’s brush
Before us ~ a fresh canvas
Upon our palette ~ the colours of God.
Should you wish to talk to me about my book, I would welcome your call on 0406 341 294.